Oysters, for some a delicacy, for others a sip of seawater. It should taste better than that was the thought of Koppert Cress. That's why they came up with the vegetarian oyster. Combine 3 of their products together in 1 bite and you come very close to the taste of an oyster, only with a crunchy texture instead of the slimy stuff. The combination of a Salty Finger, Oyster Leaf and a Blinq Blossem makes this salty snack. Apart from the fact that the taste is good, it also looks beautiful, don't you think? Try it yourself or have your customers try it!


If you have any remaining questions regarding the products of Kopper Cress, don't hestitate to contact me! Mike Bentvelzen, via Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. and I will help you!